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Environmental Education Magic

Add some identity and worldview

Environmental Identity

Tree Hugger

Learning Something New About Yourself

Environmental identity presents yet another dimension of how we identify ourselves. Based on ideas from deep ecology, an environmental identity can be defined as “a sense of identity that transcends the individual and encompasses one’s position as part of a living ecosystem”.

Environmental Worldview


Philosophy Gone Wild

Worldview is a collection of commonly shared values, and therefore the term environmental worldview can be defined as collective beliefs and values that give people a sense of how the world works, their role in the environment, and right and wrong behavior toward the environment. Environmental worldviews dictate how we interact with nature and our attitude toward how we use the natural resources it contains.

EID Survey

Image by Samantha Borges

Children Can Change the World

Explore all the amazing elements the world has to offer through our Lab Tutorial. We take education very seriously, which is why we are always conducting research and adding new resources to our list. We want to be the go-to resource for our visitors and their research and educational needs on the topics we cover at Marine Environmental Science Museum.

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Children EE, identity and worldview: Education

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