What is ocean acidification (OA)?
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What Is Ocean Acidification?
English Version (Especially For Early Adolescence)
There’s a chemical change underway in our oceans. It's called ocean acidification. As the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it's becoming more acidic—eroding the shells of marine life like oysters, clams, and urchins, which are vital to the food web. Scientists predict that ocean acidification could wipe out most coral reefs by the middle of this century, and it’s affecting other animals, too. The good news is that, if we reverse course, the ocean should regain its chemical balance. If not, well, the truth will be a lot scarier than fiction.
Let's learn more with Jim Toomey!
What Is Ocean Acidification (Chinese Version)
海洋酸化(中文版: 給青少年的一堂課)
¿Qué es la acidificación de los océanos?
(Spanish Version)
La acidificación de los océanos es un proceso generalizado que, en mayor o menor intensidad, ya empieza ha afectar a todos los mares.
Mira este video para tener más información!