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Marine, Debris & Me

What am I eating for dinner? Plastics?!

Do you know that marine debris can present a danger to human health?

Why We Care Debris: Education
Why We Care Debris: Pro Gallery
Why We Care Debris: Virtual Tour

Marine Debris & Life
Fact Sheets

Marine debris - plastics, metals, glass, and other solid waste materials that enter the ocean environment - can be found virtually everywhere in the ocean.

> 275 animal species are affected by marine debris.

Marine plastic pollution has affected species worldwide through ingestion, starvation, suffocation, infection, drowning, and entanglement.

Birds, fish, and mammals can mistake plastic for food.

245 species have been found to have ingested marine debris. Debris may cause choking and injuries, and with plastic filling their stomachs, animals may have a false feeling of being full and may die of starvation.

More species are affected than you can imagine.

Sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, one of their favorite foods. Even gray whales have been found dead with plastic bags and sheeting in their stomachs.

Marine debris bring invasive species to your homeland.

Floating marine debris can provide a new and increased method of transport for species across vast ocean distances causing trouble for biodiversity if the introduced species prove to be invasive.

Surface marine debris is just a tip of the iceberg.

Marine debris is not just an issue for the surface of the ocean. Debris is also found on the deep ocean floor.

You are what you eat.

More than a quarter of all fish now contain plastic, including those that we consume as seafood.

Why We Care Debris: Infographics

Free Lesson with Monterey Bay Aquarium

Explore a faraway island, the ocean water column and our homes to uncover our connections to the ocean we all share. Meet some ocean animals, and reflect on how our choices can positively and negatively affect them and their marine home.

Why We Care Debris: Ticketing

2030 SE Marine Science Dr, Newport, OR 97365

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